In a world rapidly expanding, our over-consumption and mismanagement of resources is destroying the Earth. In this course you will learn tips about how to transition towards a zero waste lifestyle and how you can benefit from it financially and emotionally while simultaneously improving your health and the environment! Minimalism isn't about having an all white simple and sparse space, it is about figuring out your own unique aesthetic and having only what you actually need and love, and responsibly letting go of the rest.

This course will provide practical resources and information about how to shop smarter for food, clothes, and "products", how to be happier with less, and how to ethically declutter. You will learn what you can do personally to lessen your environmental footprint, deal with emotional attachment to objects and how improving these aspects relates to all areas of your well-being. There will be an emphasis on learning how to declutter, as well as taking a closer look at *why* it is that we end up with a never-ending stream of "stuff" coming into our lives. Analyzing everything you have and learning how to say "no" to more things allows you to get the most out of what you already own, and gives you the confidence to let go more freely. As we inspire each other to do better and shift away from disposable culture and into a more regenerative future, people will have a deeper understanding of their buying habits and how these habits are related to every aspect of their life and health.

It has been a challenge trying to figure out the best method of monetary exchange for a class about anti-capitalism, while also being forced to operate within the capitalist system (lol). As I move away from object making (headpieces, jewelry, costumes, etc) I am focusing my energy on what really matters most to the Earth right now - helping guide people on their journey away from consumerism. I hope you enjoy the videos and please reach out if you have more questions or need more resources!

I decided to post all the videos for FREE here on my website!

If you have learned something from my videos,
please consider supporting me on Patreon
If you'd like to make a one time donation,
I have Venmo + CashappPayPal
All money earned goes back into making more videos

1 : How to Grocery Shop without Packaging

As you change the way you shop, you'll need to find new places to get things. Using the BULK app and this list of places (USA only) you can start your search for what is available near you.
BULK app :
Bulk stores (USA) :

2 : How to Prepare To-Go  Grocery Shopping Kits

For a written list of the items discussed in the video and links to purchase, follow this link

3 : Rethinking Food

Many of today in America grew up on hamburger helper, pop tarts, Pepsi, french fries, and mostly packaged, processed foods. In this episode I talk about bringing real fruits and vegetables to the front of the table.

4 : All The "Stuff"

Things to check out :Marie Kondo : Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Book + Netflix show)

5 : "Trash" & "Recycling"

Enough greenwashing, it's time to get real because

6 : Closet

Watch this video with Marie Kondo to learn more about her Basic Folding Method. This is not a scam, this woman is the real deal!

7 : Papers + Technology

Please enjoy this document I created from scratch for managing my finances and business expenses as a self employed person. Don't forget to duplicate the file and add / delete categories as they are relevant to your life and share with friends!

8 : Cleaning + "Beauty"

> Compostable Cleaning Tools (click here)
> Bath + Body Product Alternatives (click here)
> Check local farmers markets, health food stores, search your zipcode on etsy, and small indie boutiques to see if you can get locally made natural products, and ideally form a relationship with where your products come from and who makes them.

9 : Menstruation

Periods don't have to equal trash! This episode talks about reusable menstrual products and practices for a healthier happier bleed.

What students are saying:

I attended Corinne’s Zero Waste Class because I want to take more responsibility and stop living in denial around the actions I take and how they impact the planet. This has been important to me for a while, but I felt I had plateau-ed on my own and was looking for new ways to take agency. Corinne’s class was FULL of useful information and very practical recommendations for reducing waste in daily life. From small steps to large, she presented a wide spectrum of helpful tips. What I loved most is that I was able to take action beginning that very day. In the last month or so since her class, my partner and I have made so many small changes that have not only reduced the waste we create significantly, but saved money, and decreased our exposure to endocrine disrupting toxins like those in plastic. I’m so grateful for the new information I learned, how it has transformed my life, and to Corinne for offering such a necessary class.
- Alyssa A

"I like to call Corinne the Compassionate Unvelier. She lovingly supports people to remove the veils in their life in order to see themselves and the world more authentically. Her enthusiastic Virgo organizational powers made my physical closet shine, and my internal closet burst with new joy. Corinne helped me begin my Zero Waste journey with a creative spirit and inspired a revolution in my life of REALLY loving all that I own while better understanding what I ACTUALLY need."
-Clairey S

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